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MAK National Spelling Bee

What is the National Spelling Bee? 

The North Macedonia National Spelling Bee is a series of local and regional spelling bees held throughout North Macedonia, culminating in a national event to find the best English spellers in the country. This is the largest of all Peace Corps initiated projects, with participants from villages, towns, and cities all over the country.


Who can participate?

It is a project designed for all children from fifth grade through fourth year, participating on an equal competitive basis.


Why participate?

North Macedonia’s National Spelling Bee helps students improve spelling, increase vocabulary, and take more control of their own English education.  Participating youth have an opportunity to develop self-confidence and learn to thrive under pressure.


Can I hold a local spelling bee at my school?

Anyone can hold a local spelling bee. Just download our local spelling bee guide here, and register your local bee here. If your school is not holding a local bee, ask your closest American Corner if they are holding a bee or are aware of a local bee in your area. If not, you can arrange your local own bee.


Where can I find a regional spelling bee?

Regional Bees are usually held in six different cities all over the country. Exact locations will be announced at least a month before Regionals. 


Will teachers be recognized for participation?

Teachers who complete 2 of 4 requirements and submit evidence to will receive a certificate of appreciation for their participation. Click here to see all requirements. The Spelling Bee committee is currently seeking to have this awesome event recognized and endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Macedonia.


Who are we?

North Macedonia’s National Spelling Bee is an organization in its seventh year of operation, facilitated by Peace Corps volunteers, Rotary Club-Stip and their counterparts in North Macedonia. Our goal is to enhance primary and secondary school students' knowledge of the English language and empower young learners by providing an equal platform for competition.  With hard work and practice, any student can be one of North Macedonia’s next spelling bee champions.

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